Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Blog 49 - Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Since we read the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson in class together, discuss a time that you were treated unfairly for absolutely no reason. How did that make you feel?

Image result for meme about fairness


  1. A time when I was treated quite unfairly was when I was eight years old and my brother was six. We were playing outside and we decided to play with rocks (very bad idea, I do not recommend it). What we did is we created a catapult and started launching rocks and stones into the air. After a few shots, one of the stones that we launched hit my mother's car and broke the window. I was in so much trouble. The part that was unfair was the fact it was my brother shot the rock into the air, and he didn't get any punishment. In the meantime, I was sent to my room and yelled at for awhile.

    1. Aww that’s so unfair he should’ve gotten more of a punishment than you at least .

    2. Damn, that really sucks that you ended up in trouble

    3. Not gonna lie making a catapult and shooting rocks sounds pretty fun. Great Blog!

  2. One time I was really treated unfair was the first year of high school. It was about midway through the year and let's just say my BLANK(I don't wanna say) teacher and I didn't have the best relationship, so when we were doing presentations, it was like the best time for her. So after my presentation was done, I sat down and was listening to the next presenter and when the presentation was done, we were all clapping, but apparently I was clapping to loud, so that day, I got a lunch detention for clapping.

    Seems fair

    1. You got a detention for clapping too loud ?! What a joke. Great blog

    2. I'm sorry ms Beach did that to you Alex. Great blog!

  3. There are only a few moment in my life so far that I can remember being treated unfairly. The one story I remember the most was when I was 8 and my brother was 12. We were playing soccer in the front yard and let's just say that my brother doesn't have very good aim. He kicked the ball straight into the living room window and it completely shattered. Of course he didn't want to get in trouble so he blamed it on me since I'm not very good at soccer and to him it would make more sense for me to have broken the window rather than him. So my parents believed him even though it was a complete lie and I was sent to my room plus I wasn't aloud to have my friend over. Got to love having older siblings!

    1. Gosh, that was really unfair. He must have at least fessed up to it later though, right?

  4. I have been treated unfairly before. When I was in the sixth grade I was working on a french worksheet when I came across a question I had some trouble with. I poked the person sitting next to me with the eraser end of my pencil to get their attention. He then got up and got super mad for no reason and when I tried to calm him down he ran to the teacher. he told he a completely different story and when I told her what really happened she did not believe me. She then gave me a lunch detention, sent a letter home to my parents and made me write a reflection about what I had done and how I could improve myself in the future.

  5. One time where I was treated unfairly was when I was 5 years old playing tag with my brother. We were running around the house when suddenly he tripped and fell on the floor and started crying. My parents immediately intervened and when they saw my brother crying, I was sent to a time out because they thought I tripped him or something. This was avery sad day but at least I won our game of tag.

  6. One time around like 9 years old i was on vacation with my dad and my sisters and my dad bought my sisters a bunch of stuff. toys, clothes, water slide passes and he got me nothing because i accidently tipped the pizza delivery guy 10$. im an idiot.

    1. This is hilarious... great blog!

  7. Every second week at my mothers house I get treated unfairly so there is too any times to pick from so I’m just going to go with the most recent one. Over the weekend I was in terra cotta with some friends when I decided to bike home. My mother picked me up from my fathers house and asked me who I was with so I lied and made up Jonah Chen and Jackson Anderson. So my answer was “ Jonah Chen and Jackson Anderson why?”. Her answer was and I quote “WHY WHY I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK YOUR PARENTS QUESTIONS!!!” To this I tried saying that I only wanted to know why she was curious where she started lecturing me about how few rights I have and how spoiled I really am etc...

    1. I too, cannot stand being lectured about having little to no rights and being spoiled. Just kidding, sorry Chris that sucks.

    2. I don't see the problem in asking why also since when does having few rights make you spoiled.

  8. everyday people are treated unfairly and no one seems to do anything about it, I don't think that the embarrassing little stories that most of my classmates will share are actually that unfair. the fact that we are alive today is unfair to someone, the fact that something needs to die every single day in order for us to live how we want is unfair, i think the fact that we live on land that should've never belonged to us in the first place is unfair. I think the fact that I a sitting on a nice chair writing this blog on a nice computer underneath a very nice roof, while children my age are fighting literal wars across oceans is unfair. and you know what, who is to say that that test girl or whatever her name is was treated unfairly, what if we are the ones who have it backwards and are on the outside looking in all disgusted, who's to say her death didn't benefit the population is ways we don't understand because we think are so smart, but really we just pretend like we have answers. honestly if life was this kind of lottery then we are the ones throwing the rocks.

  9. The other day in science class we were learning about GMO’s. We were watching an educational video about genetically modified species. In the video they talked about how mice were the first genetically modified species. I thought to genetically modifying them have we created a new species of mice. I asked my teacher but I didn’t phrase my sentence properly. I then proceeded to ask “Did we create mice”. Yes, I’m completely aware that I made a mistake and we did not in fact create mice. It just came out wrong. My teacher, already annoyed by the class then lashed out on me and turned off the video because I asked a “stupid” question. She claimed I wasn’t paying attention but I was genuinely confused. I know it came across as stupid but she didn’t even give me time to explain. I was treated unfairly in this situation since the guys in my class always ask the stupidest/weirdest questions and yet she laughs and does nothing yet when I make a mistake the whole class is punished.

    1. i remember thatt, it really was unfair. good blog

    2. Ms bulmer is so sassy

  10. In grade six I often played the game champ. One of the rules of the game was that the champ could make any rules that they wanted. Once one of my friends played with the grade fives but was really good and they could not get him out so when I wanted to play with them they refused to let me because the last grade six kid that played with them beat them pretty badly at the game so they made up the rule as champ that kids in grade six could not play with them since they did not want another grade six person playing with them.

  11. I remember this one time in grade 6 in my gym class, we were playing some kind of "dodge ball" game where someone was chosen in the middle to throw the ball up in the air while everyone circled around that chosen person, recatch the ball then everyone is frozen. They get to hit anyone in that spot and if you get hit you're out, while me being in the 6th grade, I was so short and small that I remember this one time this really tall guy in my grade was a great whipper, and once the whistle stopped for everyone to start bringing the equipment back, he whips the dodge ball at my eye and the teacher said I was gonna be fine and didn't even let me go to the office afterwards. I had a black eye the next day

  12. It is not that I think I get treated unfairly but some kids get treated by their parents so well! Like some parents have no rules and let their kids do whatever whenever and I leave a glass in my room and I will get yelled at. I think my parents have very fair rules but sometimes I get in trouble for no reason and I just don't think they realize how much worst I can be

    1. my parents are always yelling at me to clean my room

  13. There was a point where I was treated unfairly for an invalid reason. When I first started playing hockey in sec1, I was new to the game and therefore not knowledgeable or talented. My dad was also the coach and I the smallest girl on the team which didn't help. These two girls made me feel lesser just because I was new, and generally an easy target. I just tuned them out and put up with it for two years until they moved away. I can proudly say that I've improved so much even when they were dead set on making me feel horrible and that they've taught me so many valuable lessons. I know why they make me feel inferior and treated me unfairly, so it's not exactly for no reason, however I do not think that it's valid. That is why it was almost equivalent to being bullied for no reason.

  14. I remember this one time in the second grade, we were doing some sort of test. Everyone had to stand their books up to form a sort of wall and prevent any wandering eyes from cheating. Anyway, I finished writing my test first and was just sitting there, staring at my paper. I was getting bored and looked over to my side at the clock on my teacher’s desk. Then, out of nowhere, my teacher walked up to my table and took my test away, getting all mad at me about looking at some kid’s test and cheating. She even kept me in at recess. Let it be known that the kid was half asleep and his paper was BLANK.

  15. ive been treated unfairly by many teachers, they often hate kids who have a lot of friends in that class so even if i dont talk they usually give me attitude. i talk during class sometimes but who doesnt, i think that the teachers should be a little more chill.

  16. One time I was at subway with all my friends minding are own business. We decided to leave, as soon as we walk out the door one of the employes comes up to us and starts ripping on us. She said that we cant just chill in there whenever we please which didnt make sense to me because we all bought food and it is considered a public place. So we all get into an argument with this employe and she says that if we come back again she is going to call the cops. Not even 2 seconds later a cop car pulls up and gets out. They start questioning us and stuff and were all talking back because they are in the wrong. The cop later on attempted to make up some law were we weren't allowed to be there, luckily my friends dad was a lawyer so he knew all the right laws and basically put that officer in her place. I think she ended up getting suspended or something so its chill

    1. Wow the cops did that for no reason, wow life is so unfair.

  17. In desrocher class once we were doing a project and we chose our marks. must people got 60 something and he told us we could divide it if the average is still your original mark so all decided not to change it, but inside I knew that I did all the work and that I deserved more marks thatn others but that would also mean i am a asshole and think others did nothing.
